So this week I'm sharing some of my favorite things that relate to small biz (and maybe a few other things).
I love, love, love helping out and encouraging other small business owners. This is an artisan gift shop after all where I sell handmade gifts from other small business owners, after all.
1. The Product Boss-Jacqueline and Minna are amazing, encouraging and so smart when it comes to talking about anything to do with product based businesses. From social media, to managing inventory and pricing this podcast and their FB page has helped me tons. They offer several courses, one of which I'm working through right now called "Multi Stream Machine". They have a super supportive FB group page and I have connected with several other small business owners that are women to share wins and struggles.
2. Boutique Hub- Another fab resource for us retail boutique ladies! I have started going through and listening to their old podcasts and following them on Insta and I'm getting a ton of great knowledge that is specific to owning a retail store.
3. Lightroom App-This is my go to for editing photos and making them look lovely and cohesive. They offer a few native presets but you can buy a whole bunch on Etsy. This app makes everyone look like a pro photographer.
4. Clubhouse App- I have been listening to a bunch of different people "chat" on this new real time app. It's basically a live "podcast" app where people are talking about a really wide variety of topics. So there is some nugget of info on anything the you might want to learn. Right now it's only available on IOS and you need an invite but I have 2 if anyone is interested, shoot me an email.
5. Calista Style Dryer-This is one has nothing to do with business but it's one of my favorite things! I got it as a gift for Christmas and I use it just about everyday. It's a brush and hair dryer in one so it makes blow drying