My story.. well I’m a mom of three active boys, an advocate for adoption, the basketball mom for my husband’s high school team, and a small business owner. About 4 years ago my husband lost his job unexpectedly and it was extremely hard on our family. We were already struggling financially and I was really worried how we would make it. I felt that at that time, my faith in Jesus was all that I had.
It's actually kinda easy to trust God when things are going well for us. We might even feel like, in those times, we have quite a bit of faith. But when your world is rocked to it's core and everything you thought you had to stand on is stripped away, in that moment all you have is faith. It is then that you realize how much or how little faith you actually have. In Matthew 17:20 there is a verse that says “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." I decided to made a few mustard seed necklaces, mostly to remind myself not to lose faith, but I also thought I might try and sell a few to make a little extra money.
It’s been 3 years and I now have a full line of necklaces and have sold thousands around the world. God has turned a little mustard seed of an idea into such a beautiful ministry of encouragement that is so much bigger than I could have ever imagined. My hope is that my pieces would serve as a constant reminder of God’s promises to us, replacing the lies we tell ourselves with truth. May we never ever forget how good our God is!
Also, because I love a video of how things are made here is a cool video of how Megan makes the "Fire & Gold" necklaces.